Monday, April 25, 2011

Almost Over

It's almost over, the semester I mean. This week is the final week of classes, next week is the final exam. While I am sad to say goodbye to all the professors I've had and trust me I had some wonderful teachers this semester. The good thing about college is that they teach more than one class (in most cases) and I might have a chance to see them again. Speaking of missing people, I also miss people from my high school, I wonder what everyone's up to now since I don't see anyone anymore. With the finishing of the year comes a well deserved summer break, and did I mention I'd love to just rest and relax and not care about anything? no more getting up at early in the morning, no more dealing with exams and tests. Well, my case in point is before this week is over, I will probablly psot my last story about my favorite characters one more time. Oh, if you want to know the blog is not stopping just because my class is, while I started to do this for chores, I realize now that I developed a hobby for blogging so, you'll see me blogging over the summer and next semester too. Right now, I'm going to run and catch up on some things.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Things I'm Looking For...

It's the middle of the week and there are things I'm looking forward to. The first thing I'm looking forward to is an episode of SVU tonight, that will get my mind off this whole school thing. The next thing I'm looking forward to is the weekends. I can't wait to relax and have fun and learn this coming up weekend and weekends after that. I can't wait to move out of my smelly apartment (blame the people that lived across from us who had cats they never washed properly) and I can't wait for this semester to end. This is giving me a headache.

On the long term side, I can't wait to get out of my house, I can't wait to have nothing to do with my father especially. I can't wait to be in law school and write as a career and eventually be a D.A. But in the meantime, I'm stuck here and that's just fine too so long as I don't go insane.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Okay, Apparently, everyone makes mistakes and I made one of the most funniest ones today. I went to the ladies room to wash my hands and clean my cellphone. I clean my cellphone for a reason I don't know I dab a little water on the paper towel and than I wrap my cell around it, after about a minute or so I trash that one and than take a dry paper towel and dry the thing. Well, while I was drying the thing today, I managed to take off the back cover of the phone, don't ask how I was that stupid and I accidentally put it in the trashcan. I had to call maintenance people so that they could help me come and pick it out of the trash gross and embarrassing. Anyway, that's my news for the day, I hope I get to talk to him soon I haven't talked to him since yesterday but it already feels like forever, I feel like I've gotten closer to him more than ever these last couple days but more about that later, I am going to go and chill a bit more before I got to run to my second class of the day.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler

Apparently, I agree with this statement. I'm a girl that don't have any interest in science (hence why I fail at it eek) Which is why I haven't come across this little quote until I read a book written by an ex lawyer now writer called FAT CAT. I think this applies to my life. I just simply want to get the heck done with this school, not cause there's anything that I'm looking forward to in the summer (aside from the sleeping in late and all) but because it's time for school to be over. 16+ weeks is way too much of learning at a time and with this much load of work? it's college so no wonder why it's a pain in my behind but honestly, school just has to end. Anyway, I'm ranting again. I'm going to go and do some more stuff for school before checking my school mail. I hope to God I survive the rest of this semester.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Allison Leotta -Blog

For those of you who don't know, I'll tell you now. I want to be a prosecuting attorney that deals with domestic violence and sex crimes. I also love the show Law & Order SVU. I was fascinated when I found this prosecutor also writing blogs about the episodes of SVU to give us the behind the scenes, what the drama got wrong, what they got right and basically her thoughts behind it all. I found it after I was in the computer lab yesterday sulking over my retarded English exam and I have to say it lifted my spirits to see this. I've actually been looking for something like this so, all I have to say is if you like SVU and if you are interested in the legal stuff, this is a great blog and plus, you can comment on the episodes yourself and her thoughts and the author of the blog, the prosecutor actually gets back to ya! that's amazing.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Eeeeeeeeek Final Exam Scheduel is out

Okay, I just checked online. I have a math exam on monday, the rest of the exams are on the 4th. Long story very short, I can't take three exams at once. Well, it's only two exams because one I don't even get a test and the other two I think the schedule is messed up I think I have an English exam on the 4th BUT, with my schedule of Crimj class being on Monday, wed, Friday and not like wed evening, I don't think I got to worry. All I know is I'll be screwed if my exam schedule is what it is right now. Anyway, going to get some more critiques done today, I can't feel lazy anymore cause I'm running out of time eeek! Remind me never to schedule two English classes in the same day it aint working but than again I just changed my major so....taking a break for a bit than homework that's all for now.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It's Crunch Time

With a month left of school and everything coming together, it's crunch time. While the days after spring break seems to zoom by to get ready for the long summer vacation, I am overworked to the point of no end. But I don't want to do anything. I am barely keeping up with my classes, I am barely squeezing in homework. I'm all studied out and I just want to scream. Hopefully the weeks will go by fast and give me enough time to do what I need to do and what I want to do. All I know is that I need A's and Be's at least if I get anything lower I will have a hell of a summer vacation and not in a good way. I also miss Disney now that it's that time again. It was around this time last year that my graduating class went to Disney. I have been getting text message statuses from my friends saying that they are at the second day of the trip meaning animal kingdom. Hope the class of 2011 had better fun then I did. I remember getting lost or is today the magic kingdom day, it might be they actually might be coming back tonight. Ooh well, can't remember. It's times like these that I actually miss my few friends and teachers from high school I loved dearly. Well, gatta jet have a lot of shit to do.