Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Okay, Apparently, everyone makes mistakes and I made one of the most funniest ones today. I went to the ladies room to wash my hands and clean my cellphone. I clean my cellphone for a reason I don't know I dab a little water on the paper towel and than I wrap my cell around it, after about a minute or so I trash that one and than take a dry paper towel and dry the thing. Well, while I was drying the thing today, I managed to take off the back cover of the phone, don't ask how I was that stupid and I accidentally put it in the trashcan. I had to call maintenance people so that they could help me come and pick it out of the trash gross and embarrassing. Anyway, that's my news for the day, I hope I get to talk to him soon I haven't talked to him since yesterday but it already feels like forever, I feel like I've gotten closer to him more than ever these last couple days but more about that later, I am going to go and chill a bit more before I got to run to my second class of the day.

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