Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Note: The third entry and the last I'm doing for this week. Note that the last two posts and this one is coming from the same character.

That was a two part question and it was going to need to be carefully answered. Beverly than decided to evaluate real quick, just in her mind what she did know which was only what she heard. Even if she wasn't allowed to help, she knew she would find demons and be able to kill them if need be but she wanted to be a watcher more than anything she realized. "Well, not much..except what I've been told by Trisha, I know watchers tend to run in families well in some cases anyway, they are er...mentors if you will for slayers who I heard have strengths and abilities of beyond normal humans, watchers are to guide and help them, they more or less have a lot of information at their disposal" That all about summed up what she knew, Trisha might have said more but she couldn't remember. "I might've heard more but right now I'm survive on 3 hour sleep within the last week if I'm counting correctly so yeah" she told her.

"Your second question, why does my boss think I'll be an asset here...she never got around to telling me the specifics, she said I had the abilities that not many did, I don't think she meant powers of a witch but again, she wasn't very specific" Of course the thirty-seven year old detective could have guessed what the older woman had meant but she wasn't about to tell this girl that, some things she rather keep to herself at least for now.

She sighed as she closed her eyes than opened them again. If the situations weren't what it was right now, she knew she would love to explore Rome but of course there would be time for that in the morning if she decided to go and get about four bottles of Pepsi or four cups of coffee that would last her the night. She knew too her magic could protect her if need be. But for now she waited for either more questions or something else from the girl, she was a very patient soul and could wait for ages if that was what was needed.

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