Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Allison Leotta -Blog

For those of you who don't know, I'll tell you now. I want to be a prosecuting attorney that deals with domestic violence and sex crimes. I also love the show Law & Order SVU. I was fascinated when I found this prosecutor also writing blogs about the episodes of SVU to give us the behind the scenes, what the drama got wrong, what they got right and basically her thoughts behind it all. I found it after I was in the computer lab yesterday sulking over my retarded English exam and I have to say it lifted my spirits to see this. I've actually been looking for something like this so, all I have to say is if you like SVU and if you are interested in the legal stuff, this is a great blog and plus, you can comment on the episodes yourself and her thoughts and the author of the blog, the prosecutor actually gets back to ya! that's amazing.

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