Thursday, March 24, 2011

Did I hear this right? Obama got locked out of the white house?


Okay so apaprently, the President of the United States got locked out of the White House I think this was sometime Wed. I have no clue. The story is, if you read the article that people didn't know he was coming back from wherever he had been. I just thought I'd write about this because it just kind of seems so, funny in a way because we always get locked out of houses and everything. You'd think as the President nothing like that would ever happen, or at least that's what my little cousins think but well, it happened. Or, as someone on Proboards Support (A message board i frequent) pointed out, it's not getting locked out at all, it's like using the back door instead of the front door. So, that's my blog for this week, see you next week everyone. 

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