Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2nd: ClearDove

Note: This is a character bio I made up, another one of my creative doodles so to speak the form itself comes from the site but the idea is my own.

CLEARDOVE, female, loner
Hazel eyed cream colored cat. She looks really harmless. The only thing that she has that reminds her of home is a scar she had gotten a year ago that never healed on her tail it is healing though.

There are two sides to this cat, or kit or whatever you want to call her.

Kind and respectful and obediant are three of the best traits in ClearDove. In fact, people like her for being like that.She will never go against her elders, she will never be disrespectful of them, she does not need to agree with them to do this either. She's very loyal so if you earn her loyalty and trust that will stay with you throughout life until you do something to shatter that. She does not normally like to go off and fight but she will if need be and she's good at it. A quick learner, she observes and learns very quick. She's very clear and innocent too. She can see things in the midst of crisis that others cannot and perhaps this is a good thing.

On her bad terms, she is about the worst enemy you could ever ask. She can be feisty, disrespectful and of course she will fight you until either you die or she dies. The worst thing you could do to have her be ticked is attacking those she is closest to if you start it with her, she'll finish it. Perhaps that she's able to see things clearly can either be a good thing or a bad thing but if she's bad or if you make her mad it will defiantly work against your favor. She's a fun cat all around, she sometimes does not know any better but she learns quick. She's like a child having grown up with kids and all and she's innocent most of all it takes a lot to get her to that fighting state.

When she first meets anyone, she can be a bit cautious but it usually does not last long unless she thinks that the person's a threat. While she will be empathic to others she won't open up too much not her personal problems anyway. She likes to keep her worries and everything else to herself. You kinda just have to poke and prod her for a minute or so.
REASON FOR NAME: She's very innocent and kind hearted. Also because of that she can see things clearly and reason which might help if situations arises.
FAMILY: None, she had a human who abandoned her. She was named Rozza before she changed it.
HISTORY: She was born from a shelter and was separated from her siblings from the get-go. She was never liked them, they liked violence, she did not. they liked to run around like maniacs, she preferred curling up in front of a fireplace or something. After a couple months of this life, she was adopted by a girl who's name was Rosie, the girl named her Rozza. She stayed with the girl and her family for months until the girl had a little brother, a baby who was allergic to cats.

By this point, Rosie hadn't wanted to give her up but had no choice to. When she refused, Rosie's mother had gone one night with Rozza and dropped her off somewhere while Rosie was in bed. Rozza had lived alone since surviving on her own, which is not doing her any good because she's a very social person. She is good at giving advice and she's good at being a friend and being alone brings her to tears half the days.

She has lived alone trying to not get eaten or killed or whatever and she seems to be doing a good job of that. The only wish she has is if she could find someone like her, a cat, a person, anyone sometime soon since she does not take loneliness very well. She might look full grown but she's just bigger she's not any older.
Not having had cat food for several months was either getting to her or already gotten to her. Not that fruits and stuff off of trees were that bad but it just was not something she was used to.

Formally Rozza, now known as ClearDove walked through the woods. It was thundering and raining and she shivered from the cold. Rain wouldn't so much kill her she just didn't like getting wet. She needed a place to keep dry and fast but where would she go. She had walked further than she'd ever have in her life and there was no one to help her. Only if there was something that can stop her from hearing that blasted thunder.

As she walked more, she found a bush with berries, the two-legs called them black berries didn't they and she had tried some with the girl and her family once. It hadn't been that bad. She went over to it and picked it with her mouth and swallowed it. She smiles at least hunger would be taken care of, she never ate much to begin with anyway. Now she needed a place to stay for the night. "God, someone help me" she muttered.
She's very kind hearted, has the best interest of everyone at heart. Yelling at her won't do you any good she just shuts down and don't want to hear it. She's very empathetic. But if you mess with her friends or whatever or later on her clan,. she will come after you and it will not be pretty.

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