Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eleri Madison Young

This is a character I made for a roleplay site. I was so bored I had to make another character well, she is based off the books House of Night but I made her human for now. So, here you go enjoy.

◊General Information◊
»Name: Eleri Madison Young
»Gender: Female
»Date of Birth: September 14th
»Age: 15 years
»Ethnicity: European *I think*
»Hometown: Scottland

◊Visually Orientated◊
»Describe your physical appearance:
I have long black hair and brown eyes and tanned skin to match it all. I’m taller than most people my age and I wear a necklace of a pentagram. The legend that comes down is it’s got protective powers but I’m not sure. I also wear cancer bracelets but not earrings. I’m slender because I make a point of eating very little.
»How do others perceive you?
Depends on who the others are. My parents think I’m weird but they have no choice but to keep me. My grandparents adore me and think I’m a gift from the sky. I have a few guy friends, I more hang around with them than girls and they think I’m very dependable and feisty.
»Do you think you are stereotyped? If so, describe those stereotypes.
Serotype, Apparently I’m a tomboy. Yes I do like to play sports and yes I enjoy the outdoors but why on earth do they have to categorize me like that?

◊Inner Beauty◊
»Describe your personality:
I am a little bit spoiled due to my grandparents but that does not mean I’m a brat. I take my studies seriously and I take sports seriously. I love to be athletic and joke around with my friends and when I get mad, things usually go flying. I’m not afraid to say what’s on my mind and I’m not afraid to tell people off. Very outspoken it helps me most of the time but other times I have gotten in detentions cause of it.
»How do you perceive yourself?
I perceive myself the same way others do. I’m nice until you tick me off so I suggest you don’t do it. I am a fighter both in words and in physical sense but I don’t fight without a good reason. I think I’m pretty reasonable but reasonable is open to interpretations.
»What do you think are your strengths? Your faults?
Sports and combat skills are definitely my specialties. I can take a pencil and turn it into a weapon if I needed it. I learned my combat skills from others and on TV and books. I have faults, I’m not patient and I get annoyed very easily in that case I just start getting frustrated and all. My temper comes very short when it comes to my parents but otherwise I’m pretty okay and harmless.

◊Time Heals all Wounds◊
»Describe your past:
I came here from Scotland when I was around nine and grew up in Dallas since. I have lived with my grandparents and parents. Me as the only child I’ve been spoiled by my grandparents and overworked my parents. I didn’t have any friends because of my boyish personality until I entered high school.
»Describe your family history:
My parents are both from Scotland but I doubt they grew up there. I don’t know too much on my history nor do I bother asking but my grandparents would tell me legends and myths that were passed down from my family I don’t know many more than that.
»How do you see yourself in ten years?
I want to work in sports psychology. I apparently been told I can pry people’s minds if I wanted to so if I can I want to try that if not than being a sports player suits me just fine professional women’s soccer or whatever.

Disclaimer: I don't own the profile format nor the video. The videos not just this one but every single video that was posted on my blog are found from Youtube and this profile format was found on my site that I am a member of Vermillion Sky

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