Monday, March 28, 2011

My spare time

Okay for those of you who wonder what the hell I'm doing when I'm not in class. This is it. My friend took the role of Elizabeth, I took Alex. This is what we do in our spare time so have fun reading.

Alex practically was running she didn't know why but all she knew was she was in a hurry. She didn't have a car as of yet well, not right this moment because her car was still in the works but she still had no choice but to run. Finally she reached the green front door she knew as Elizabeth's home. She didn't bother ringing the doorbell at first but realized she could be in much trouble if she didn't.

She looked up and sighed. Finally she rang the bell hoping this didn't take too long she had to tell her everything. 

-Liz was by herself, making herself busy as always when she heard the doorbell ring. She wasn't expecting any visitors at her home today, and having one makes her wary. She then walks to the door and opens it, finding a tired Alex- Alex. -she could tell there's going to be an explanation- What brings you here?  

Alex turned to see Elizabeth her mentor and friend. "Your honor I..." she looked exhausted. "There's a LOT of things I need to talk to you about but not here...I think something's happened, something not...normal" Could she go by Elliot's assumptions? she didn't know if she could. She wanted to try though if he was right they were in BIG trouble not that she believed demons and vampires she had come to Liz for this reason partly she wanted the older woman to tell her she was crazy and losing her mind. "I want to talk to you and I need you not to freak, okay?" she said. 

-hearing those last words from Alex, Liz knows cannot be good- Not normal? Define that. I've been hearing worse cases at work. Come inside, Alex. -she closes the door behind her. She had already known of crimes, however scary it may be- Now, first I want you to steady your breathing, then explain. 

"my breathing IS steady, no whatever happened is not criminal although what happened sort of is...oh gosh Elizabeth please understand me" she said as she tried to calm down. How was she going to explain to her mentor that she thought a girl made a wish and all this stuff happened? there was no way she could. She than decided she wanted to go and just get out. She sighed. "it's okay, I'm fine, I swear it" she said knowing Liz now that she had started a conversation wouldn't let her go.

She tried to walk out anyway to make an attempt though. Hoping Liz would not do what she normally did and put a hand on her. 

-Liz ends up standing up and puts her hand on Alex's shoulder- Wait. You were at my doorway to explain this abnormal activity going on. But now you want to walk? Understand what? You didn't say or do anything to make me understand. Now you are to tell me what it is you want to say. What is so important that you had to come all the way here? 

"You're going to think, I'm nuts!" she said as she looked at her. She couldn't escape her she was stronger so she could easily get out of her grip but the fact that the older woman was her mentor and judge kept her where she was. "Liz, I need you to help me here, I can't...explain I want to believe me, but I cant...I don't know how" she said as she looked at her. She fell down now from the pressure of this all, ever since she'd found out she was trying to grasp this concept but she wasn't able to being in front of Elizabeth didn't make it any easier. So she tried. "There is someone, who knows a LOT more about us than even we know about ourselves...and...she's not a stalker" she knew this would raise more questions, oh well. 

Alex closed her eyes and tried again. "Her name is Lysandra Hendrix, I doubt thats her real name but she goes by that anyway, she knows about you, me and according to Stabler everyone else, she swears she's not stalking us I believe that but my question is how she knows, I think she's had a horrible life and whatever's happened to her recently is making her go off the deep end someone needs to talk to her and it seems that Benson and Stabler aren't the only one that's bumped into her...Hardwicke has and I've seen her around and Agent Dana Lewis has had a run in with her when she took her parents hostage, please understand me Elizabeth" 

-Liz listens carefully, but is in disbelief. She doesn't think of Alex as "crazy," but she believes that a person knowing every single stranger so well cannot be true. Even worse, hearing of Lysandra causing a hostage situation makes her uneasy and thinking about a proper punishment. She looks at Alex and tries talking to her in a calm way- This person Lysandra somehow knows more about us than even we, ourselves know. That can't be possible. Looks like almost everyone knows her. Is there any reason why she took her parents hostage? 

Alex looked to Liz she burst into tears she was so in frustration. "I don;t have all the answerers your honor please, you have to forgive me for that but I can't tell you, but she snapped aft her parents and she, just...I don't know you'll have to talk to her about that but she's been very cooperative, her parents sound like a piece of work though but she wants to be working for the FBI or for the District Attorney's office, she's not a bad kid this was not planned don't punish her find a way to help her"

Normally in circumstances like that Alex was the first one to be thinking of jail without a chance of parole but she really did think that the girl's parents were evil and a piece of work from what she'd overheard especially the fatehr, she sighed as she looked at Elizabeth and grasped her mentor's wrists not hard but gently enough. "Liz what she did was wrong, how she treated her parents is terrible but there is a reason and an explanation that I for one want to know the truth if she was abused this might have been self defense who knows, the punishment needs to fit the crime, you've taught me that, you also taught me to speak for the victim, I think she is a victim, of her parents, abuse and neglect, being a perfectionist and being expected to maintain the highest of standards, she snapped" she now breathed or tried to that was a mouthful she had said and now she tried to breath calmly. "please understand me yes I'm not saying don't let her hostage situation go unpunished but, you have to put things into perspective, she may not be the only ones to blame for the situation please don't ask why I'm going on and on like this...I honestly don't know right now, I want to help her if she's a victim and I truly believe she is, she wants us to help her and I want to help her please Elizabeth help me, help her" she looked into her mentor's eyes begging her to understand. 

Me going face to face with Lysandra? Being in that position without being in a courthouse is not one of my strongest points. But I do need to know her side of the story. Alex, there might be more causes if you look at the possibilities. Any child or young adult would hate their parents. That is not to say what she did was right, but whether or not it was, this matter will not go away. -she suddenly sighs and closes her eyes- If I am to talk to Lysandra and help, someone needs to investigate her parents. I want everything, understand?

-Although a bit resistant, Liz cannot help to feel that what she was about to do might help out this situation. She has dealt with suspects, but never at least one outside of the courthouse. Well, more of a victim than a suspect, but it still didn't change the fact that she almost brought harm to innocent lives. She is ready for what's to come- 

"Actually you have to talk to Hardwicke, the D.A she's the one the hostage case, she's the prosecuting attorney, someone needs to help her but I can't my hands are tied or you could also talk to her Judge what's her name Judge Mardsen, I believe...and the girl herself, so far according to Liv she's been very cooperative" Alex sighed and moaned. "Someone kill me now this is so confusing" 

-Liz again puts her hand on Alex's shoulder to calm her down- Very well, I'll have a talk with her and set things straight. You go continue with your work. -she then prepares herself to talk to Judge Mardsen, Lysandra and lastly Hardwicke. The order she thinks is appropriate. She walks out the door and gets inside her car, driving to where Mardsen and Lysandra, if they are there together, are-

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