Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I hate Financial Aid

Okay, I love the fact that I will be getting money and grant from the government and the school system or whatever. But why does it have to be so complicated? After my parents did their tax, I started on the FAFSA application on Saturday and I thought I was done with it after that apparently that's not the case. Ever since than my mom and dad has been singing about financial aid nonstop literally its all that comes out of their mouth and I'm getting to the point where I am sick and tired of it. If you folks are wondering why I have not posted on the forums or whatever at nights that's partially the reason why and the other part yes my parents do watch me like a damn hawk. I am just getting to the point where I am about to tell my parents to hire someone that can do this shit for us because I don't want to hear them going on and on about how complicated this crap is. Anyway, I got to go there are many more things on my to do list besides this blog. I will catch you all later.

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