Saturday, February 12, 2011

Feb 12th: Dear Dad, get a life and stay outta mine

Note: I hate my father with a burning passion and I needed to write it down somewhere so, enjoy my rantings everyone

Dear Dad
Did I ever tell you how much I hated you and still do? how I wish you'd burn in hell and rot in it. Trust me I cannot even start to describe my hatred for you and there's not enough words to do it. I am a college student who is home bound because you refuse to let me go anywhere. You always think you're right and you're never willing to compromise and it's your way or the highway and that's retarded as hell that's all I have to say. You want things done quick and when I can't do it quick and right than you start to blame my friends or my enjoyment of socializing well, how the heck is it my fault when you don't explain things to me, you think that you should be obeyed and followed and you know everything that's good for me wake up, you're not God. You say you love me but you humiliate me, you say I'm fat and need to excersize and you know what I say to that? "Oh my God you look like a frog!" you are a dead beat father who has no sense of humor and compassion and I hate living with you. Which is why I'm saying you will never have a chance to see me and be in my life once I'm out of this hellhole you call home, you don't mean anything to me hell, some of my professors are more compassionate than you. I can start ranting all over again and tell you exactly what's wrong with you but if I do that, you're never gonna see the end of this letter so, without further complaints I'm closing this letter with one last remark. "Get a life and stay the hell out of mine!!"

P.S-Stop jumping to conclusions about things that you don't know about guesses aren't good enough and stop with all the b.s about me sitting on my ass at home doing nothing because half the time I'm studying and me taking some leisure time for myself is not a crime and if you are going to complain about how I do things for you than do it yourself you're not mute and you certainly as hell aint deaf!

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