Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb 14th: Happy Valentine's Day

Note: In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, this is something I wrote for my valentine

I loved you once before without condition
It’s never changed since then
I love you now without condition
I’m glad you’re here again
I promise you I’ll do
what I could not before
Show you how much I love, care and more
So all you have to do is ask
And I will do my very best
To give you what you want and need
I’ll keep this promise until the end
You make me smile and laugh with joy
You make me feel like a toddler with a new toy
You are always in my heart
And that’s a fact I will not hide
I’m not good with words and rhyme
So these are my last few lines
But here is all I’ll say today
I will always love you till the end

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