Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feb 26: Some of the best friends are the ones we can't see

Ever heard the saying that the person's your friend if you can see them and hang with them every single day? in fact that, that's what you'd define a best friend. Well, with the age of computers and the advance of technology, the word friend, at least for me has taken a whole new meaning. Some of the best friends I've met and kept in touch with are the ones that lived in other states, other countries, and well, at the other side of the world even. They understand me better than my parents, now, they are not the same as my best friends in real life, but they are just as important to me. I just wanted to let everyone know that just because, you have a friend online that dpes not mean that they are not real. Apparently, my parenst are under the impression that unless you can see them, they are some weird-o's and psychopaths, well you know what I say to that? THEY need psychiatric help. So this is for all my long distance friends that I've met and kept in touch with over the years. Thank you so much for all you've done for me, thank you for making me laugh and smile and most of all, thank you for being there when I needed help and support. I dare my parents to say that online friends are psychotic, or not real, becaues as soon as they do, their ass is mine! hank

Thank you Ashley, Alexis, Whitney, Christina, Rose, Audrey, Jen, Jenn, Molly, Tiffany, Becca, and about half a dozen others I can't write all down because than we're looking at a very long list.

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