Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb 9th: Raymond Carver

He is the author of two pieces I read for English 50. "What we talk about when we talk about love" and "Beginners". I personally prefer the edited version, "What we talk about when we talk about love" just because it's straight forward and the language is more modern. This only might be because I don't like to look at things too deeply cause it gives me a headache though. I like the stories where it's straight forward one, two, three and the second, edited version does seem to do that without too much trouble. Yes, in some sense the original work is much better than the edited one but if I were to take a test on it or write some sort of response on it, I wouldn't be able to do too much with the first piece only because I couldn't understand it right away. I love how in the edited version the characters and the language itself seemed more fit to today and all it's very easy to comprehend. I also felt that this story the edited version more had a storyline to it and something that I might pick up on my own to read, the first piece the unedited version just felt like a textbook read but than again it might be the length and how long the first piece was compared to second I'm not sure. But I loved the edited version though despite it not quite being the work of the author one hundred percent I'd go as far as to say that I even recommend the edited piece.

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