Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Feb 8th-Zebras (AU) An SVU fanfiction

Disclaimer: I don't own the places and the people that I'm about to write it's called FAN FICTION. It's not that long but since the writers didn't say anything about what happened between some of the scenes I wanted to explore it.

Summary: While thinking about what exactly could have happened, an old friend comes back to Olivia attempting to assuage her guilt and to give her an answer she desperately needs

Olivia Benson sat on the uncomfortable chair besides the hospital bed. How could this have happened she had no clue. She and her partner and the whole tech team had the place covered so how was it possible that her friend and colleague Elizabeth got stuck with lethal injection. Olivia tried to remember the last scenes at the house, trying to see if they had missed anything. The only thing she could recall was the arguments. She and Elliot had suggested that Elizabeth go to a hotel and order room service or something. The older woman had told her that she wasn’t running and had went to the kitchen. The tech team and  she and her partner had  been there for longer than half an hour and before that all three of them had been at the courthouse was it very possible that while he was out on bail their perpetrator had come here? How had he gotten ahold of the address, her mind was spinning and reeling with thoughts and clues that should have made sense but didn’t.  
Standing up, Olivia paced around the hospital room trying hard not to make a noise, Liz just had been stabilized and asleep it would not be so good to wake her.
“You didn’t take that injection and put it in her system, it wasn’t your fault” Olivia wheeled about to draw her gun but who she saw in the doorway stopped her.
In the doorway stood her ex-colleague, a former ADA who had been disbarred. With her red hair and brown eyes that could pierce through any human soul the former prosecutor shut the door quietly and came inside. “I won’t stay long but I was called into see you…in a moral support capacity…”

“Should I wake…”
“You wake her than you risk her  yelling I know she still hasn’t forgiven me for violating one law to enforce another not to mention putting on the line the integrity of the District Attorney’s office and her…I heard what happened from Stabler”
“How did he know to tell you”
“I found him on his way to the morgue I thought I pop in to see how you all were doing but I guess this answers my question…Liv, my case in point still stands it wasn’t your fault”
“You weren’t there you didn’t see”
“neither did you…if you knew who had done it and how it had happened knowing you, you would’ve had their ass in jail…this is one thing I learned when I got disbarred…you have to let guilt go otherwise it only eats you up, it does not do you any good….”
“What have you been doing since…er…”
“You can say it, since I got disbarred? I now teach…Hudson University…kids are bright and all…I know the Dean and well, she let me teach kids and not hold my being disbarred against me which is a good thing…but you know my heart is always with this squad”
“Came and went again, got that part, she came in to see me unknown to all of you but no you are not changing the subject”
Olivia managed a slight smile. Casey knew her as well as her partner did and it did help to have support.
“I just…”
“Wonder how it could have happened? Yeah…that’s what I thought after my ex’s body was discovered how I could have let this happen, why I hadn’t done anything to stop it….”
“This is different; she was your mentor, my friend…”
“and what of it?”
“I swore I’d…”
“protect her? Well that’s assuming she allows you…you advised her to go to the hotel she didn’t listen to you…this is half her fault”
“I’m serious Olivia, she should’ve listened to you…look, I’m not here to say that who’s right, who’s wrong and even I blame her for disbarring me because I got over that a long time ago plus she was doing her job…but, you can’t let this get to you”
From the bed they both heard movement and realized Liz was about to wake up.
Casey whispered. “you were a good cop than just like you are now don’t let this effective you too much Liv, and oh…here”  with that she left.
“Casey wait…” but of course it was too late.
Elizabeth finally looked up and blinked. “What happened, who was that?” she asked quietly.
Olivia shook her head giving her the only answer she could.  “I don’t know your honor.”
Excusing herself, Olivia went out of the room a minute and looked at the paper that had been pressed into her hands minutes earlier.
Dear Liv
I lied, you can hate me
Stabler didn’t tell me anything as soon as I heard what happened to Elizabeth  four hours ago by the news mind you, I had to investigate, I’m not a cop but I was able to piece things together, it’s your tech-y Stucky remember, he came when I came and I told you and kept trying to tell you I didn’t like him…but enough about that and oh, I would check on Elliot if I were you…good luck and tell Elizabeth I say hello, later.
Always your friend and ex-DA
P.S-Guilt is a bad thing to hold onto, worse than grudge, I learned that the hard way
Olivia nodded as if Casey could see, with that she stuffed the note in her pocket and called the morgue where Stabler had gone. Stucky picked up and with new evidence found, thanks to Casey, Olivia tried to keep her voice calm and even.

“Dale, hey,where’s Elliot?”
“oh Elliot went to get sushi”
“Come again?”
“Yeah he and O’hallarnd went off…but I’ll tell him that you called he should be coming back soon enough”
She hung up and went out of the hospital onto the morgue, Elliot eating sushi, that didn’t sound right.

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