Monday, April 25, 2011

Almost Over

It's almost over, the semester I mean. This week is the final week of classes, next week is the final exam. While I am sad to say goodbye to all the professors I've had and trust me I had some wonderful teachers this semester. The good thing about college is that they teach more than one class (in most cases) and I might have a chance to see them again. Speaking of missing people, I also miss people from my high school, I wonder what everyone's up to now since I don't see anyone anymore. With the finishing of the year comes a well deserved summer break, and did I mention I'd love to just rest and relax and not care about anything? no more getting up at early in the morning, no more dealing with exams and tests. Well, my case in point is before this week is over, I will probablly psot my last story about my favorite characters one more time. Oh, if you want to know the blog is not stopping just because my class is, while I started to do this for chores, I realize now that I developed a hobby for blogging so, you'll see me blogging over the summer and next semester too. Right now, I'm going to run and catch up on some things.

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