Monday, April 18, 2011

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler

Apparently, I agree with this statement. I'm a girl that don't have any interest in science (hence why I fail at it eek) Which is why I haven't come across this little quote until I read a book written by an ex lawyer now writer called FAT CAT. I think this applies to my life. I just simply want to get the heck done with this school, not cause there's anything that I'm looking forward to in the summer (aside from the sleeping in late and all) but because it's time for school to be over. 16+ weeks is way too much of learning at a time and with this much load of work? it's college so no wonder why it's a pain in my behind but honestly, school just has to end. Anyway, I'm ranting again. I'm going to go and do some more stuff for school before checking my school mail. I hope to God I survive the rest of this semester.

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