Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Eeeeeeeeek Final Exam Scheduel is out

Okay, I just checked online. I have a math exam on monday, the rest of the exams are on the 4th. Long story very short, I can't take three exams at once. Well, it's only two exams because one I don't even get a test and the other two I think the schedule is messed up I think I have an English exam on the 4th BUT, with my schedule of Crimj class being on Monday, wed, Friday and not like wed evening, I don't think I got to worry. All I know is I'll be screwed if my exam schedule is what it is right now. Anyway, going to get some more critiques done today, I can't feel lazy anymore cause I'm running out of time eeek! Remind me never to schedule two English classes in the same day it aint working but than again I just changed my major so....taking a break for a bit than homework that's all for now.

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