Monday, April 11, 2011

It's Crunch Time

With a month left of school and everything coming together, it's crunch time. While the days after spring break seems to zoom by to get ready for the long summer vacation, I am overworked to the point of no end. But I don't want to do anything. I am barely keeping up with my classes, I am barely squeezing in homework. I'm all studied out and I just want to scream. Hopefully the weeks will go by fast and give me enough time to do what I need to do and what I want to do. All I know is that I need A's and Be's at least if I get anything lower I will have a hell of a summer vacation and not in a good way. I also miss Disney now that it's that time again. It was around this time last year that my graduating class went to Disney. I have been getting text message statuses from my friends saying that they are at the second day of the trip meaning animal kingdom. Hope the class of 2011 had better fun then I did. I remember getting lost or is today the magic kingdom day, it might be they actually might be coming back tonight. Ooh well, can't remember. It's times like these that I actually miss my few friends and teachers from high school I loved dearly. Well, gatta jet have a lot of shit to do.

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