Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another Tidbit

Note: This is using the same character that I had yesterday, Bev Holland, I was so bored, enjoy.

"That's why I'm here because I want to know if I can be trained to help" she said as she looked to Buffy. "of course I won't help right away these things take time and I understand that" she wasn't lying either. She knew things happened and things needed time to happen. However hostile this girl might be she knew well that it might just be for again, caution purposes. Finally getting tired of moving strands of hair around she got out a hairpin from her pocket and pinned it so that she didn't have to do it again. The wind blew and she liked the feeling it gave her, it put her more at ease than the girl did but that was besides the point.

She waited for her to ask her questions, she'd answer her because she had nothing to hide. In all honestly she really did just want to help being a cop was great but she wanted to try out her powers in a none-controlled environment and that's what field work was all about wasn't it? she was willing to do whatever it took the gain experience and training that was necessary. She missed Trish badly she knew the older woman was better at talking to people er...hostile people she was good too but she usually dealt with crying widows or widowers and this was something completely different.

She felt her cell vibrate but ignored it, it was probably someone from the Station who hadn't been listening when Trish had said she'd be taking off for awhile and was calling to check where in New York she was. Well whoever that was, was about to get a surprise because she had changed her greeting on the phone to say this was where she was.

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