Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb 15th: Heat of the moment

Note & Disclaimer: This is another fan fiction short piece I wrote when I was bored. I don't own the characters of the judicial office, the cops nor the D.A's office all I own are the plots and the outside characters. Also note, this story might not be that well organized or anything I wrote it around 4am in the morning and am typing what's hand written so bear with me. It's not that good.

Summary: In the midst of an heated trial, a fight breaks out and what happens when the District Attorney decides she wants to take matters into her own hands?

“Objection, relevance?” Alexandra Cabot called for the fourth time during the questioning of this witness.
Her opposing Counsel sighed.

“Ms. Cabot what is it with you and objection, it goes to the state of mind...again”

Judge Mary Conway Clark looked over at Alex than back at the Defense Attorney. “Ms. Cabot ease up on the objections but I do agree with her sustained, I think you had more than enough time to prove your point counselor”

The opposing attorney looked like he could kill someone himself, ironically that was the same crime that his client was being accused of. “Fine, I’m done with this witness”

Alex sighed and looked at her trial judge and friend.

Mary looked back at her quizzically but in the end said. “All right, both of you step back…”

So the two did but no sooner had both attorney stepped back, someone called out from the gallery. 

“You call this justice? He called my little girl why aren’t you putting a needle in his arm yet, what the hell do they pay you for” It was the victim’s father, Alex understood his grief but that was out of order even for him but before the judge could call him on it there was another shouting this one from the defendant.

“Yeah well if you weren’t so hell bent on stopping our dating maybe it wouldn’t have come to this”

“Enough, both of you!” Mary tried to control this but it was by now, too late. 

Alex had no idea what was happening her thoughts were lost at the sight of what was going on and Mary having no control over this scared her. She had seen another court session go out of whack once and that had ended up in a shootout with the death of a judge, she didn’t think she’d forgive herself if  things got out of hand this time. 

“All right people stop yelling or your all gonna be thrown in jail for contempt and worse” This was Elliot Stabler who had just come in from outside, he was to be a witness  today so he didn’t have a gun or anything on him but he was yelling, not that it would do anyone any good.  

Alex than decided she had a brilliant idea. She went over to one of the court officers who was trying to do his job as best he could, attempting to break people throwing things and all. She pushed him back and took his gun wondering why the heck he hadn’t thought of shooting it yet, she fired into the open court there was a big BANG as everyone finally shut up. She than heard someone, a single person cry out. She looked up and realized in horror that she had just opened fired to where her friend, Olivia was standing at. 

“oh GOD” she said as she ran to her friend. “Someone call a bus!!!” Elliot said as he looked at his partner and then at Alex. “Good God Alexandra, what have you done?”

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