Monday, February 28, 2011

Feb 28: Featured Site

Today, for my blog post for school/fun, I decided to start off the week by featuring my new roleplay site. Yes, some of you might think the whole idea of pretending to be another character is the lamest idea in the history of this universe but I find it fun. This site was made a couple days ago by my two of my online friends who are so cool Jennifer and Alex. I dubbed myself Sonya and yes I have so many names but I'll get into that in another post but not today. The idea is very simple, make a story. This site serves for me, a means of escape and of course a means of an out. With this site, I can pretend to be whoever I'd like my first character I will be playing will be my favorite witch of the Buffyverse, Tara MaClay. So I am getting this blog post out there for whoever wants to join me, feel free to do so it'll be lots of fun. Bye By real life, hello fantasy land. 

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