Friday, February 18, 2011

Feb 18: My Day

Okay I thought I'd do this before I jump into my character stuff. The fun stuff. I am doing my last journal entry for the week. Today's awsome the weather's nice and I can't believe we're still in febuary. In the meantime my classes are going somewhat more smoother  now that I stopped flipping out like a plucked chicken. REading my books and assigned readings might help me but half the time I'm too lazy to do crap. I hope today goes by fast tomorrow is my off day and I will be lazy at home doing absolutely nothing. This blog has been an outlet for me which is wonderful because now that I found the joy of blogging I never will give it up. I just want to express myself and I don't give a crap who reads it, I'm just outgoing at least in that sense now only if that can help me make more friends that'd be a trick. With all the drama that's happened this week I'm ready for a pleasent day and if my dad asks me one more time how does that make me feel I'm gonna start punching him no joke. I'll post later everyone actually, the next post will be something for my roleplaying purposes so look out for that. Bye now.

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