Monday, February 7, 2011

Feb 7th-A new friend or two

Okay, apparently I am slowly getting over my being depressed stage. I am making friends in school and I have met plenty of new people between Friday and today. Met up with a girl who also likes SVU as much as I do that’s great and I owe that thanks to my new found friend Elizabeth.  I am focusing on school work now as well as much as I possibly can and of course my writing as well. For once my life does not seem that bad, talking to people helps and yes I still have old pains and scars and whatever but I can only hope for the best and keep going.  I have not been very social as of late and I’m slowly getting back into that with people from my school which is great. I also now have the energy to do stuff as well which is more awesome. Well, I could keep going but I don’t feel like it. Well, as far as what I’m doing for the rest of the afternoon. Got to prepare for my math exam eeeek!. I also have to go and print out stuff for tomorrow’s English ewww!. I have to get a gift going for my friend and gatta start writing again. I just wish I can do all the things I want to do today but hey, at least I have more energy. I just have to remember that the weapon we have is LOVE.

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