Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feb 2nd-Lets Try This Again

Okay, apparently, facebook and youtube are not the only things that can go out of whack, so can blogs. I just found this out while I was attempting to post on my old blog, the reason why this is here is because well, apparently my account does not EXSIST!!!.
Everything has faults of course it does but this is lame. I know that I have a lot of school work and outside work to do which does not help matters. I’m trying to do too much like a chicken with its head cut off. I at least got done reviewing for my dreaded math test, good of my teacher to let me have extra time to study. I am looking forward to the weekend not so much the rest of the week. I have to get studying and have to get around to doing my homework for my two English classes I knew that was a very bad idea taking two English classes but oh well, I dug my grave I guess I’ll lie in it. I won’t repost any of my old stuff I’m too lazy to hunt them down and spell check and whatever not but this is the first post and I hope my teacher gives me credit for it as well as the rest of the other bog posts I’ve been doing, I’m actually enjoying this now it is not a chore anymore I think I’ll be doing this long after this class and semester is gone.Oh just a note on why my name does not say it's Nadia...well, Holly is my pen name as well as the name of one of my main characters in a story I'm writing in fact that's probably what my next post will be about just thought I'd let you all know.

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