Thursday, February 3, 2011

Feb 3rd-High School Never Ends

Apparently what that song says is true. High school never ends. Even though I’m out of the place same problems still happen or at least in my life anyway, the problem at home has definitely gotten worse with the fighting and the yelling and the restrictions and well, more yelling. AT this point I’m tired and warn out from all the arguing and moaning and yelling so I’m just gonna do that I can do, ignore my folks and hope they disappear, bye bye now.  Then of course there is my love life which is so complicated it could be a soap opera. I’ve heard of having problems in love but I think I’ve got the worst luck in the world, I hate again, my parents who are causing half my problems. Hopefully I will find someone they approve of or even if they don’t well, it’s my life not theirs. Then of course we come to my school issues which are two fold, my classes and the social aspect. As far as the social aspect goes, one thing has improved since high school, I’m no longer made fun of or harassed and my stuff’s not getting stolen that’s a plus.  But then again on the minus side, I don’t know that many friends I belong to clubs and all but I really don’t have many “friends” hopefully that will get better too. I both love and hate my classes at the same time this semester and let me explain why. First there is my English class. My creative writing teacher is hilarious and funny and I love the class and I think I’ll love it more when I actually delve into having my writing critiqued although I’m scared to death of people seeing my writing oh well, hopefully this class will help me with that. But I hate the class because there’s so many stuff to read and I can’t seem to be passing his tests for shit. There have been two quizzes so far that I couldn’t pass because I either didn’t read at all cause I could not find the pieces or I didn’t remember the details, oh well hopefully I will be able to do better and hopefully my writing will make up for it I’m just hoping I come out of this with a B or so. Then there is my second English class my short story. I like the way my teacher makes me think and use my brain and the discussions are really helping me to hear what others have to say but I don’t like all the depressing stories of insanity, homicide and suicide but hopefully we will get into, hopefully some upbeat stories soon. Then of course my criminology class, I love the subject with a passion and the teacher is very nice and upbeat, you never can fall asleep in the class. The bad thing about this class, she’s so quiz happy. She’s given us one quiz last week and she’s about to give one this week I hope to lord I get above a 80 this time around and last but not least my math class. The teacher is very nice she’s great with her explanations and she’s very flexible. She’s nice enough to let me postpone my test until next week to give me time to study since I was not there for two classes already due to some health issues I’ve been having the bad side to her class is I hate numbers, period. Well, I’m done ranting and hopefully I can start passing English quizzes and hopefully I can learn to budget my time which is why I’m going to go and hunt down the rest of my reading assignments and start on them early after half an hour of break of course.  But one thing’s for sure high school never ends and it won’t end for me until I graduate law school.

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