Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feb 23: Let me Rest in Peace (Seriously)

Ever wonder where all your energy and life is going? I tried to figure it out before but it never seems to come to me. The hours in the day is not enough and there are things that need to be done but that we can never get done apparently. I don't know about you but I feel just a little dead inside going through the motions doing the same thing over and over. I am a girl that likes adventure, that likes to have new things and stuff to do, new people to meet and get involved well, apparently while College is like that for other kids, it's not like that for me. I am still stuck here still living at home, listening to my parents. You all probably are sick and tired of hearing about how my life sucks but I get these blogs so that I can let my feelings go. My situation in school is not helping since I tend to start putting things off and all the work is piling up and I can't stress enough about anything I always have to stress more. I am at school from 7:35am to roughly 6-7pm, that's a long time to be in school. I just hope my life starts changing soon or I get out of this phase soon, and I thought I was miserable in high school. But I do enjoy the time that I sit on my ass on the computer not bothered by anyone not that it's good for my health or anything. Well, I'm off to do the same thing that I did yesterday and the day before. I will post another fan fiction about tonight's SVU and post another profile on Friday. Hope you all read my stuff and give me feedback as lame as some of these entries are I want to know what you think. Bye for now.

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