Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 17th: Skunk Attack

Today’s topic that I want to discuss? Skunks. Okay what is it with these things I meet two or three on my way to school and it’s disgusting. Being half blind and deaf I am very sensitive to smells also, go figures.  But this is just ridiculous. Maybe it’s following my dad who’s driving for some odd reason but maybe not I’ll never know maybe unless they could talk. These things are always at the same place and I
 always have to cover up my nose and all. How do you think that skunks work I mean, why they spray and all I doubt they have a reason to in the middle of the road because skunks do that only if there are prey around who could endanger them but I don’t see anyone poaching them anytime soon.  I just hope the weather is getting warmer and all so hopefully they kinda move to some other areas because I can’t stand this smell anytime soon. I’d love some pins to clip my nose with just as an afterthought well, that’s all for now I’ll see you all later.

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