Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1st: I had a dream

That someday I'll be free from my control freak of a father. I'm nineteen years old and still being told what to do still being mocked at home and still having issues. Oh yes you're probablly thinking here we go again with another rant but I have to get it out somehow and I'm not afraid to do it here. He does not know this blog even is here so, yes, it's a good place to rant. I seriously, honestly just want to go and never look back and all. He is a tirant who has no time for fun and games who starts yelling at every ltitle thing. He has an issue with every single one of my friends and he thinks online communication is bad. Well, guess what I say to that "You can take your openions and shove it" it's honestly gotten to the point where none of his opinions matter anymore I don't take it to heart I'm just pissed he's saying it. I'm not doing drugs, I'm not partying, I'm getting good grades and trying to relax and he wants me to get better grades, I can't do any better than I am without working myself to death nothing pleases this moron!!!! Ugh! Anyway, the drama I'm getting everywhere else and my overflowing English works are not helping with my stress but I hope to God I catch up because if I don't I'm screwed. Anyway, Until I post again, bye for now.

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