Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Busy Week

I think that this week is like the busiest. Three tests, and still work to catch up on. I'm trying to keep my sanity in tact. Well at least there is SVU to look forward to tonight apparently Diane Neal will be reprising her role as Former Assistant D.A Casey Novak. I wonder how that will work since she was disbarred hmmm, anyway. I am so hoping I get to see some of my friends real soon. My site is going great on the upside I love coming to it every day to escape school shit. In the meantime my life is such a bore, my parents are jackasses. Yup, it's just normal bordsville here! Talk to you later guys, I have a class to get to someone shoot me now!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eleri Madison Young

This is a character I made for a roleplay site. I was so bored I had to make another character well, she is based off the books House of Night but I made her human for now. So, here you go enjoy.

◊General Information◊
»Name: Eleri Madison Young
»Gender: Female
»Date of Birth: September 14th
»Age: 15 years
»Ethnicity: European *I think*
»Hometown: Scottland

◊Visually Orientated◊
»Describe your physical appearance:
I have long black hair and brown eyes and tanned skin to match it all. I’m taller than most people my age and I wear a necklace of a pentagram. The legend that comes down is it’s got protective powers but I’m not sure. I also wear cancer bracelets but not earrings. I’m slender because I make a point of eating very little.
»How do others perceive you?
Depends on who the others are. My parents think I’m weird but they have no choice but to keep me. My grandparents adore me and think I’m a gift from the sky. I have a few guy friends, I more hang around with them than girls and they think I’m very dependable and feisty.
»Do you think you are stereotyped? If so, describe those stereotypes.
Serotype, Apparently I’m a tomboy. Yes I do like to play sports and yes I enjoy the outdoors but why on earth do they have to categorize me like that?

◊Inner Beauty◊
»Describe your personality:
I am a little bit spoiled due to my grandparents but that does not mean I’m a brat. I take my studies seriously and I take sports seriously. I love to be athletic and joke around with my friends and when I get mad, things usually go flying. I’m not afraid to say what’s on my mind and I’m not afraid to tell people off. Very outspoken it helps me most of the time but other times I have gotten in detentions cause of it.
»How do you perceive yourself?
I perceive myself the same way others do. I’m nice until you tick me off so I suggest you don’t do it. I am a fighter both in words and in physical sense but I don’t fight without a good reason. I think I’m pretty reasonable but reasonable is open to interpretations.
»What do you think are your strengths? Your faults?
Sports and combat skills are definitely my specialties. I can take a pencil and turn it into a weapon if I needed it. I learned my combat skills from others and on TV and books. I have faults, I’m not patient and I get annoyed very easily in that case I just start getting frustrated and all. My temper comes very short when it comes to my parents but otherwise I’m pretty okay and harmless.

◊Time Heals all Wounds◊
»Describe your past:
I came here from Scotland when I was around nine and grew up in Dallas since. I have lived with my grandparents and parents. Me as the only child I’ve been spoiled by my grandparents and overworked my parents. I didn’t have any friends because of my boyish personality until I entered high school.
»Describe your family history:
My parents are both from Scotland but I doubt they grew up there. I don’t know too much on my history nor do I bother asking but my grandparents would tell me legends and myths that were passed down from my family I don’t know many more than that.
»How do you see yourself in ten years?
I want to work in sports psychology. I apparently been told I can pry people’s minds if I wanted to so if I can I want to try that if not than being a sports player suits me just fine professional women’s soccer or whatever.

Disclaimer: I don't own the profile format nor the video. The videos not just this one but every single video that was posted on my blog are found from Youtube and this profile format was found on my site that I am a member of Vermillion Sky

Monday, March 28, 2011

My spare time

Okay for those of you who wonder what the hell I'm doing when I'm not in class. This is it. My friend took the role of Elizabeth, I took Alex. This is what we do in our spare time so have fun reading.

Alex practically was running she didn't know why but all she knew was she was in a hurry. She didn't have a car as of yet well, not right this moment because her car was still in the works but she still had no choice but to run. Finally she reached the green front door she knew as Elizabeth's home. She didn't bother ringing the doorbell at first but realized she could be in much trouble if she didn't.

She looked up and sighed. Finally she rang the bell hoping this didn't take too long she had to tell her everything. 

-Liz was by herself, making herself busy as always when she heard the doorbell ring. She wasn't expecting any visitors at her home today, and having one makes her wary. She then walks to the door and opens it, finding a tired Alex- Alex. -she could tell there's going to be an explanation- What brings you here?  

Alex turned to see Elizabeth her mentor and friend. "Your honor I..." she looked exhausted. "There's a LOT of things I need to talk to you about but not here...I think something's happened, something not...normal" Could she go by Elliot's assumptions? she didn't know if she could. She wanted to try though if he was right they were in BIG trouble not that she believed demons and vampires she had come to Liz for this reason partly she wanted the older woman to tell her she was crazy and losing her mind. "I want to talk to you and I need you not to freak, okay?" she said. 

-hearing those last words from Alex, Liz knows cannot be good- Not normal? Define that. I've been hearing worse cases at work. Come inside, Alex. -she closes the door behind her. She had already known of crimes, however scary it may be- Now, first I want you to steady your breathing, then explain. 

"my breathing IS steady, no whatever happened is not criminal although what happened sort of is...oh gosh Elizabeth please understand me" she said as she tried to calm down. How was she going to explain to her mentor that she thought a girl made a wish and all this stuff happened? there was no way she could. She than decided she wanted to go and just get out. She sighed. "it's okay, I'm fine, I swear it" she said knowing Liz now that she had started a conversation wouldn't let her go.

She tried to walk out anyway to make an attempt though. Hoping Liz would not do what she normally did and put a hand on her. 

-Liz ends up standing up and puts her hand on Alex's shoulder- Wait. You were at my doorway to explain this abnormal activity going on. But now you want to walk? Understand what? You didn't say or do anything to make me understand. Now you are to tell me what it is you want to say. What is so important that you had to come all the way here? 

"You're going to think, I'm nuts!" she said as she looked at her. She couldn't escape her she was stronger so she could easily get out of her grip but the fact that the older woman was her mentor and judge kept her where she was. "Liz, I need you to help me here, I can't...explain I want to believe me, but I cant...I don't know how" she said as she looked at her. She fell down now from the pressure of this all, ever since she'd found out she was trying to grasp this concept but she wasn't able to being in front of Elizabeth didn't make it any easier. So she tried. "There is someone, who knows a LOT more about us than even we know about ourselves...and...she's not a stalker" she knew this would raise more questions, oh well. 

Alex closed her eyes and tried again. "Her name is Lysandra Hendrix, I doubt thats her real name but she goes by that anyway, she knows about you, me and according to Stabler everyone else, she swears she's not stalking us I believe that but my question is how she knows, I think she's had a horrible life and whatever's happened to her recently is making her go off the deep end someone needs to talk to her and it seems that Benson and Stabler aren't the only one that's bumped into her...Hardwicke has and I've seen her around and Agent Dana Lewis has had a run in with her when she took her parents hostage, please understand me Elizabeth" 

-Liz listens carefully, but is in disbelief. She doesn't think of Alex as "crazy," but she believes that a person knowing every single stranger so well cannot be true. Even worse, hearing of Lysandra causing a hostage situation makes her uneasy and thinking about a proper punishment. She looks at Alex and tries talking to her in a calm way- This person Lysandra somehow knows more about us than even we, ourselves know. That can't be possible. Looks like almost everyone knows her. Is there any reason why she took her parents hostage? 

Alex looked to Liz she burst into tears she was so in frustration. "I don;t have all the answerers your honor please, you have to forgive me for that but I can't tell you, but she snapped aft her parents and she, just...I don't know you'll have to talk to her about that but she's been very cooperative, her parents sound like a piece of work though but she wants to be working for the FBI or for the District Attorney's office, she's not a bad kid this was not planned don't punish her find a way to help her"

Normally in circumstances like that Alex was the first one to be thinking of jail without a chance of parole but she really did think that the girl's parents were evil and a piece of work from what she'd overheard especially the fatehr, she sighed as she looked at Elizabeth and grasped her mentor's wrists not hard but gently enough. "Liz what she did was wrong, how she treated her parents is terrible but there is a reason and an explanation that I for one want to know the truth if she was abused this might have been self defense who knows, the punishment needs to fit the crime, you've taught me that, you also taught me to speak for the victim, I think she is a victim, of her parents, abuse and neglect, being a perfectionist and being expected to maintain the highest of standards, she snapped" she now breathed or tried to that was a mouthful she had said and now she tried to breath calmly. "please understand me yes I'm not saying don't let her hostage situation go unpunished but, you have to put things into perspective, she may not be the only ones to blame for the situation please don't ask why I'm going on and on like this...I honestly don't know right now, I want to help her if she's a victim and I truly believe she is, she wants us to help her and I want to help her please Elizabeth help me, help her" she looked into her mentor's eyes begging her to understand. 

Me going face to face with Lysandra? Being in that position without being in a courthouse is not one of my strongest points. But I do need to know her side of the story. Alex, there might be more causes if you look at the possibilities. Any child or young adult would hate their parents. That is not to say what she did was right, but whether or not it was, this matter will not go away. -she suddenly sighs and closes her eyes- If I am to talk to Lysandra and help, someone needs to investigate her parents. I want everything, understand?

-Although a bit resistant, Liz cannot help to feel that what she was about to do might help out this situation. She has dealt with suspects, but never at least one outside of the courthouse. Well, more of a victim than a suspect, but it still didn't change the fact that she almost brought harm to innocent lives. She is ready for what's to come- 

"Actually you have to talk to Hardwicke, the D.A she's the one the hostage case, she's the prosecuting attorney, someone needs to help her but I can't my hands are tied or you could also talk to her Judge what's her name Judge Mardsen, I believe...and the girl herself, so far according to Liv she's been very cooperative" Alex sighed and moaned. "Someone kill me now this is so confusing" 

-Liz again puts her hand on Alex's shoulder to calm her down- Very well, I'll have a talk with her and set things straight. You go continue with your work. -she then prepares herself to talk to Judge Mardsen, Lysandra and lastly Hardwicke. The order she thinks is appropriate. She walks out the door and gets inside her car, driving to where Mardsen and Lysandra, if they are there together, are-

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Did I hear this right? Obama got locked out of the white house?


Okay so apaprently, the President of the United States got locked out of the White House I think this was sometime Wed. I have no clue. The story is, if you read the article that people didn't know he was coming back from wherever he had been. I just thought I'd write about this because it just kind of seems so, funny in a way because we always get locked out of houses and everything. You'd think as the President nothing like that would ever happen, or at least that's what my little cousins think but well, it happened. Or, as someone on Proboards Support (A message board i frequent) pointed out, it's not getting locked out at all, it's like using the back door instead of the front door. So, that's my blog for this week, see you next week everyone. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So Tired

I am so tired right nwo I just want to go and fall asleep somewhere but I can't do that. I am checking out all the stuff I have to check out on the internet and I am just trying not to fall asleep. The bad news today is I have to go to math, I promised my professor I wouldn't skip anymore. But the good news is there's a new SVU. I can't wait to see Rose McGowan on SVU it'd be the best guest starr I've seen on there since Marcia Gay Harden and Christine Lahti. I just hope I can stay awake for it since it's on at 10pm. Still have that blasted short story to write but I have no energy for it right now so I'll deal with it this weekend or whatever. Gatta jet, gatta do other shit on here.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Short Story

Note: For those of you who read my in class story, the one I did for English 50, this is some of the stuff I left out and I thought while I won't put it in the story in itself, since I'm so dead for ideas and I have to do my blog entry for teh week, I will do it here. So, Enjoy. Note this is nothing solid this jsut was another idea that I've been messing with so yeah.

                After we parted ways, I got into my SUV. I drove through the streets until I turned right. My home, wasn’t too far from the courthouse nor Rose’s place either.  As I parked my car and walked into the front door. I wondered if there was something I should’ve caught on to. When I had mentioned dinner, she looked very uncomfortable. Did I force her into something she didn’t necessarily want? She would never let me know that although if that was my guess I would have caught onto it earlier. I set my bag down and looked up. I was alone in the house, my two sons off to only God knew where. So I decided to leave a note.
I  found a pen and paper and a magnet. They would know where to look if I left anything,

Going to Rose to have dinner, there’s left overs in the fridge, love you.

After that I put my bags down and got my car keys again and went outside. The night air was cool as I looked around. The sun was setting  but it wasn’t done. I went back into my SUV when I got the phone call.

“Hello…are you Leslie?”
“Who’s this?”  I heard something being thrown against something on the background, although I was getting on in ears I couldn’t help hearing it, it was too loud.
“My name is Ranee, I live next door to Rose…I found your business card laying not that far from the car”
I stopped my own car and parked it on the curb. I was back at the courthouse now.

“Yes, what’s going on is everything all right?” I asked the woman on the other end.

“Uh, I don’t know but I heard a lot of yelling and everything and I heard something break”

That took a minute to click in my head. All sorts of thougths were going through my mind at this point. I told the woman I would call the police and to stay where she was. After I got off the phone with her that’s what I did. I told them to bring one police officer in an unmarked police car and meet me near the house.
So about ten minutes later that’s where we were, a block away and we ran the rest of the way. As we got closer I  could hear screaming, Nicholas her husband, I remembered the name but hadn’t seen much of him. I ran faster if something was going on and Rose was in danger, I needed to stop it. 
As I approached the house, The screaming and the banging got louder. I turned the knob of the front door and realized it was open. The cop was behind me. I pushed my way in.
When I ran in I saw Rose being choked. Her husband had his hands around her throat and she was in pain. I could see that in her eyes but she was trying to smile at the whole thing. “She’s in here!” I called as I ran to her.
Nicholas stopped what he was doing probably in shock of seeing me with a cop in his home but I didn’t care. I caught Rose as he let her fall and she fell in my arms. In panic I checked her pulse, she was still alive I realized, just unconscious.  I took out my cell and called for medical attention and while the cop apprehended him I picked Rose up, gently and carefully laying her on the sofa. “you’re gonna be all right” I said as I tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekend Once More

Okay so now I’m finally doing my third journal entry of the week, Most weeks, I would have gotten it done way before now but of course this week is more than I can take. I hate Saturday mornings it’s all the time for my father to bitch and moan that I’m on the computer. WTF does he care for because he’s about to go to work anyway? Ugh. God I need a new father. I know, I know you heard this all from me before my bitching and moaning about how my father sucks but I honestly don’t know how long I can take. Two good things came out of this week, I did my classes for the fall and I got caught up on my work at school. This weekend I shall relax and have fun and try and enjoy my days off from school while my father bitches and moans in the background. At least I get to talk to people today, thanks to it being Saturday and my phone not charging me for whatever minutes I use. In the meantime, I’m just gonna relax till the idiot leaves the villiage to go to work. Serious, there should be  a law against this level of stupidity.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I hate Financial Aid

Okay, I love the fact that I will be getting money and grant from the government and the school system or whatever. But why does it have to be so complicated? After my parents did their tax, I started on the FAFSA application on Saturday and I thought I was done with it after that apparently that's not the case. Ever since than my mom and dad has been singing about financial aid nonstop literally its all that comes out of their mouth and I'm getting to the point where I am sick and tired of it. If you folks are wondering why I have not posted on the forums or whatever at nights that's partially the reason why and the other part yes my parents do watch me like a damn hawk. I am just getting to the point where I am about to tell my parents to hire someone that can do this shit for us because I don't want to hear them going on and on about how complicated this crap is. Anyway, I got to go there are many more things on my to do list besides this blog. I will catch you all later.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Higher Education Act my foot

Okay so last night, my parents and I got into the discussion about my college grades. My dad asked when will I have them by since it’s in the end of spring break, shouldn’t it be coming in the mail. I laughed and said no one in college got them in the mail and I made the mistake of telling him that due to the higher education act he had no access to it unless I allowed it. This got into of course him bitching and moaning (not that I give a fuck anymore). Starting going on and on about how my social networking on the internet is making me into a bitch and I just ignored him put the pillow over my head and went to sleep. Very, very short ranting here folks this week is not off to a great start and school work that has to be done plus financial aid is not helping my matters. Anyway, my short point to this ranting is my point to any ranting I do about my dad. I hope he falls off a damn bridge and yes, I have my freedom of speech and press to say this online, on my blog. Does that mean I will do anything to him hell no, I want to but than again it will put a serious blotch on my goal to be a District Attorney when I get older. All I have to say is I’m not raising my kids this way it’s the 21st century and it’s 2011 and we’re in the U.S my dad needs to stop whining, GROW THE FUCK UP!  And stop being a DICTATOR.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9th: Dear Diary

Well, I hate liquid asprin. Yes, if you are guessing that I had to take it again after my coughing fest last night you are right. I still am sick and can’t believe it’s going on this long .I knew it would be nasty but it’s not w been a week officially since I’ve been sick. I want it to be all over. Well, on the upside, I am getting lots of rest and I do love the fact that I have no college. I am looking forward to the end of the semester though, three months vacation to do whatever the heck I wished. By the way, if you all were expecting something more interesting that’s my fault. I wanted to post something else, another fanfic maybe but right now I’m not in the mood to do too much of anything which is why this is just a journal entry. I might post something worth reading tomorrow. I am just posting because I need to get all my thoughts out in words. Speaking of thoughts in words….If I have to run one more errand for my family without getting thanks in return I’ll scream. It’s like these people either forgot the words thank you or don’t give a crap. Especially I’m helping even though I’m sick for the last three days, I’ve been calling insurance companies for mom, school for my cousins and cellphone companies for dad and not to mention complaining to apartment offices for both my family and my cousin’s is it so hard to say two simple words, thank you? What am I the maid, even maids get treated better honestly. I don’t mind doing the errands but I do want a simple thank you how rude. Anyway, gonna stop venting now since it’s not helping me. I’m gonna lay down again and talk to Carrie later, I’ll keep you posted everyone.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8th: Second Chance

Note: I don’t own Alex nor Sandra, this is just yes, another fan fiction. I also thought it was important for my roleplay that anyone who wants to can find out how this coming back to life thing all took place. Alexandra belongs to SVU and Dick Wolf, Sandra belongs to Charmed and Constance M Berg I believe, I’m just an avid fan of both, this also explains why Alex is the way she is at least how I play her enjoy. Post LOSS of SVU and post Oh My Goddess part 2 of Charmed.

“W-What the…” Former District Attorney Alexandra Cabot opened her eyes. She hadn’t known how long she’d been asleep or more likely, dead since no one got shot in neck and survived well, if that was the case how was she able to open her eyes and why was she not covered in dirt? The feeling of warmth surrounded her although she had no idea why. She then realized where she was laying, on a bridge. Not just any bridge, a red bridge.
Alexandra panicked there was only one red bridge she knew of unless they repainted the Hudson Bridge.  With that she jumped up. Now wind picked up and the ex D.A’s heart began to race. California, Why on earth was she in California and how had someone moved her body out of the grave in Manhattan to put her on top of a bridge on California it made no sense. Was someone trying to wake her up, to revive her or something but that made no sense either since the dead stayed dead.
“There’s no need to panic Alexandra you’re in safe hands”
Alex whirled around and now stood facing a woman. She looked about in her forties or more. Her hair was red or strawberry blond more like. In the sun, it was hard to see what her eye color was. “Who are you and how do you know my name?” Alex asked.
The woman smiled reassuringly and Alex would have been reassured had she not been states away from home.
“I am the elder Sandra, your belief is right when you think you are at the top of the Golden Gate Bridge”
Alex opened her mouth about to say something this was too much, this had to be a joke.
“I brought you back here to…ask you”
“Ask me what; haven’t you heard I’m dead?”
“Yes, I know that good and well and it was not your time to go yet which is why I’m asking”
“Not my time what are you God?”
Sandra shook her head. “You must calm down Alex it’s not helping you or me for you to get upset and agitated”
Alex lost her temper. “Trust me when I am agitated you will know about…ACHOO!”
This was when she felt it for the first time, her body literally burst into orbs, she disappeared from in front of Sandra and appeared again on the same spot. 
“What did you DO to me?” Alex demanded as if she were questioning a witness.
“You are a whitelighter, a guardian and if it’s your wish you may keep these powers….what you did, you just teleported, orbed is the better term yes these powers may be new to you but you will get used to them in time, if you wish you may go back to your life as a D.A and still be a guardian..”
“Hold up, be kind, rewind, guardians as an angels right? I don’t believe in it…and how am I supposed to go back to Manhattan I’m DEAD, I’ve been SHOT”
Sandra looked very calm, more calmer perhaps than she should have been and  Alex could not understand it and because she could not understand it, it scared her.
“You will learn as you go that being a whitelighter, a guardian is a great blessing but with the blessing of second life and powers does come responsibilities as you are a D.A I expect you not to misue the powers that have been entrusted to you”
“As my power as a D.A I’m about to prosecute you if you don’t start giving me some straight answers how did I burst into orbs, what are you and how on earth am I in San Francisco”
Sandra sighed and she disappeared in blue orbs and in a second, Alex felt herself being pulled almost. When she opened her eyes she realized she was in her office, the D.A’s office in Manhattan. This was better, somewhere familiar.
As whacky as this situation was somehow, Alex knew she wanted the responsibilities, the powers, whatever. She had wanted to make it out of that shootout alive and to have a second chance, she understood that no one got that chance or if they did she never knew of them. Now more at ease, she sat down in her old chair. The office apparently had been undisturbed since her death she still could see the picture of when she had been in law school in her graduation. Elizabeth stood behind her with a smile on her lips her blond hair a bit more blonder than she remembered it.
“I do take it that this environment is more soothing for you and for some reason I do believe you do want this power and responsibilities…”
Alex was snapped out of her trance by Sandra’s words and she asked.
“How are you going to explain my coming back to life to everyone else?”
“I won’t that’s your sto explain in your own time and until they know otherwise all they will know is that you have come back from being on vacation….not dying, your desk is undisturbed, you still have your job but now you must watch out for another different kind of evil than what you are used to”
“Demons, Warlocks, I heard it so much in fantasy stories its not even funny”
Sandra nodded. “these stories as much as mortals might want to believe them as fantasy are not but in actuality a very real thing, the balance of power must not be disturbed and you must look after your charges, you have a lot of work ahead of you…you may call on me if there is something you wish to discuss, you may also orb to where I am your powers will grow and manifest as time grows and you get more used to them….Alexandra do NOT neglect your duties” with that she disappeared.

“Sandra, wait what the….WAIT” But it was too late, she was gone, accompanied by orbs. Alex sighed and looked around at her office. She had so many questions but obviously she was not going to find an answer anytime soon. She sighed as she looked around her office once more.  
She checked herself in the mirror and realized she was still wearing the cloths that she had warn at the day of her shooting, would anyone know, would they put it together that she was not supposed to be here? She wasn’t sure but no sooner had she thought of that she heard knocking on the door.
“Alex, you came back and you forgot to say hi to me…I see how it is” It was her good friend and Judge Elizabeth Donnelly, she looked older, of course she was, she had aged since the last time Alex had seen her. She ran over and found herself throwing her arms around the older woman. “it’s so good to see you” she whispered wondering why on earth she was acting like this.
Elizabeth, a bit taken aback smiled and nodded. “Good to see you, you’ve got work to do….you need to be in a conference in ten minutes lets go I expect you to be prompt on time”
As her mentor left, Alex sighed. Yes, for some odd reason her life was back to normal but she couldn’t help feel that it was not normal oh well, whatever came her way she’d get through it but for now, she had to be in a conference, and with that the District Attorney of Manhattan County Courthouse left her office.

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7th: Spring Break

It’s the first day of spring break. What do I have to blog about? Well, the weekend was both good and bad. I had a very good day on Saturday talking to Carrie and Maurice. Both were very good company for me. I also found love so to speak, and I lost some friends. Nobody died, but sometimes I found out that it’s better to let people go than not. I was also running a couple errands for my parents and of course my aunts. I also started to clean out my room because we’ll be moving soon. But for the first time in a long time I feel like I am somewhat organized yes, school work still needs to be taken care of and I can start on that as soon as my body stops being jittery or whatever from the liquid aspirin I took but for now I will just take it slow and do some blogging. I now am officially behind in every class, that can’t be good but I am hoping that I can use this week to catch up, all I’d need would be some time management and although I lack it, I plan to make every effort because I cannot afford a C or below. So, what else is getting added to this new batch of blog posts this week? Maybe a couple bios for my characters, if I’m feeling up to it an article for a newspaper since I want to start practicing in that. Of course I’m still pissed at dad, I always will be. How can I not be when he does not appreciate me for anything I do? Ugh! But for now, I am going to go and be on my sites and other places as well. Thanks for reading, bye now.

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4th: Sick, Much?

Okay, apparently i started gettinig sick on Wednsday and it won't go away what the frigg? I have been goign back and forth between headache, runny nose, coughing and everything else. I can't take this anymore. I misssed one class a day since Wednsday and I feel so bad cause it's going to come back to bite me in the ass. I am so hoping I get out of this alive and well. Spring break is coming up so I'm hopign that's going to do me some good. I was g oing to do my blog psot about my character's other bio but I'm too lazy to post that long detailed bio after fixing everything it's gonna be awhile so I'll get that post up sometime next week or so. I hate being sick I wish I can do something to make it all go away but I can't. For the last three days I've been drinking soup, water, hot chocolate, and more juice. I am like really sick of orange juice right now but I can't do a damn thing about it! ugh! I am so glad though I have Carrie keeping me company cause she's the best she has not ditched me in the last three days and it's wonderful to have her distract me from all this feeling of pains and headaches and everything else. At this point, I am going to go because I am plotting more stories with Carrie and I feel so sick anyway and plus my eyes are sore. Not that it's stopped me before but I just don't like rambling. Hopefully i can get the hell outta school soon. I love school cause it's a way to get away from home but this is just ridiculus.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3rd: Carrie


The online time stamp says it's only been two days but has it really? it feels longer. In my whole time of being on youtube I never thought I'd find someone like her. She's a very unique and special in her own right and she's got a lot of talents. But most of all, she seems to understand me like no one else ever could. I have no idea why I am feeling like I've known her for an age or I feel connected to her this strongly. She seems to see what other people cannot see and she knows the good in me when other cannot see that. She is very fun to be around and I feel comfortable around her it's a comfort that apparently not even my house can provide.

It's funny because most of my good friends I tend to meet online and some of the best things in the world are not seen. Well, this is the same case, I met her on Youtube and while we were roleplaying I seemed to just connect with her if anyone knows that feeling, connecting with someone you've just met. It helps that we both like the same kinds of stuff like General Hospital and Harry Potter apparently that's where we found our common grounds and as we kept on roleplaying and plotting storylines I find myself telling her a lot more about myself than I've told most people. She knows a lot more than my parents know me and that's within the last week, see what I mean, well, I just had to get this out. I hope she stays with me for the rest of my life as she is a very wonderful person and brilliant.

Thank you Carrie for being my friend on and offline.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2nd: ClearDove

Note: This is a character bio I made up, another one of my creative doodles so to speak the form itself comes from the site but the idea is my own.

CLEARDOVE, female, loner
Hazel eyed cream colored cat. She looks really harmless. The only thing that she has that reminds her of home is a scar she had gotten a year ago that never healed on her tail it is healing though.

There are two sides to this cat, or kit or whatever you want to call her.

Kind and respectful and obediant are three of the best traits in ClearDove. In fact, people like her for being like that.She will never go against her elders, she will never be disrespectful of them, she does not need to agree with them to do this either. She's very loyal so if you earn her loyalty and trust that will stay with you throughout life until you do something to shatter that. She does not normally like to go off and fight but she will if need be and she's good at it. A quick learner, she observes and learns very quick. She's very clear and innocent too. She can see things in the midst of crisis that others cannot and perhaps this is a good thing.

On her bad terms, she is about the worst enemy you could ever ask. She can be feisty, disrespectful and of course she will fight you until either you die or she dies. The worst thing you could do to have her be ticked is attacking those she is closest to if you start it with her, she'll finish it. Perhaps that she's able to see things clearly can either be a good thing or a bad thing but if she's bad or if you make her mad it will defiantly work against your favor. She's a fun cat all around, she sometimes does not know any better but she learns quick. She's like a child having grown up with kids and all and she's innocent most of all it takes a lot to get her to that fighting state.

When she first meets anyone, she can be a bit cautious but it usually does not last long unless she thinks that the person's a threat. While she will be empathic to others she won't open up too much not her personal problems anyway. She likes to keep her worries and everything else to herself. You kinda just have to poke and prod her for a minute or so.
REASON FOR NAME: She's very innocent and kind hearted. Also because of that she can see things clearly and reason which might help if situations arises.
FAMILY: None, she had a human who abandoned her. She was named Rozza before she changed it.
HISTORY: She was born from a shelter and was separated from her siblings from the get-go. She was never liked them, they liked violence, she did not. they liked to run around like maniacs, she preferred curling up in front of a fireplace or something. After a couple months of this life, she was adopted by a girl who's name was Rosie, the girl named her Rozza. She stayed with the girl and her family for months until the girl had a little brother, a baby who was allergic to cats.

By this point, Rosie hadn't wanted to give her up but had no choice to. When she refused, Rosie's mother had gone one night with Rozza and dropped her off somewhere while Rosie was in bed. Rozza had lived alone since surviving on her own, which is not doing her any good because she's a very social person. She is good at giving advice and she's good at being a friend and being alone brings her to tears half the days.

She has lived alone trying to not get eaten or killed or whatever and she seems to be doing a good job of that. The only wish she has is if she could find someone like her, a cat, a person, anyone sometime soon since she does not take loneliness very well. She might look full grown but she's just bigger she's not any older.
Not having had cat food for several months was either getting to her or already gotten to her. Not that fruits and stuff off of trees were that bad but it just was not something she was used to.

Formally Rozza, now known as ClearDove walked through the woods. It was thundering and raining and she shivered from the cold. Rain wouldn't so much kill her she just didn't like getting wet. She needed a place to keep dry and fast but where would she go. She had walked further than she'd ever have in her life and there was no one to help her. Only if there was something that can stop her from hearing that blasted thunder.

As she walked more, she found a bush with berries, the two-legs called them black berries didn't they and she had tried some with the girl and her family once. It hadn't been that bad. She went over to it and picked it with her mouth and swallowed it. She smiles at least hunger would be taken care of, she never ate much to begin with anyway. Now she needed a place to stay for the night. "God, someone help me" she muttered.
She's very kind hearted, has the best interest of everyone at heart. Yelling at her won't do you any good she just shuts down and don't want to hear it. She's very empathetic. But if you mess with her friends or whatever or later on her clan,. she will come after you and it will not be pretty.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1st: I had a dream

That someday I'll be free from my control freak of a father. I'm nineteen years old and still being told what to do still being mocked at home and still having issues. Oh yes you're probablly thinking here we go again with another rant but I have to get it out somehow and I'm not afraid to do it here. He does not know this blog even is here so, yes, it's a good place to rant. I seriously, honestly just want to go and never look back and all. He is a tirant who has no time for fun and games who starts yelling at every ltitle thing. He has an issue with every single one of my friends and he thinks online communication is bad. Well, guess what I say to that "You can take your openions and shove it" it's honestly gotten to the point where none of his opinions matter anymore I don't take it to heart I'm just pissed he's saying it. I'm not doing drugs, I'm not partying, I'm getting good grades and trying to relax and he wants me to get better grades, I can't do any better than I am without working myself to death nothing pleases this moron!!!! Ugh! Anyway, the drama I'm getting everywhere else and my overflowing English works are not helping with my stress but I hope to God I catch up because if I don't I'm screwed. Anyway, Until I post again, bye for now.