Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7th: Spring Break

It’s the first day of spring break. What do I have to blog about? Well, the weekend was both good and bad. I had a very good day on Saturday talking to Carrie and Maurice. Both were very good company for me. I also found love so to speak, and I lost some friends. Nobody died, but sometimes I found out that it’s better to let people go than not. I was also running a couple errands for my parents and of course my aunts. I also started to clean out my room because we’ll be moving soon. But for the first time in a long time I feel like I am somewhat organized yes, school work still needs to be taken care of and I can start on that as soon as my body stops being jittery or whatever from the liquid aspirin I took but for now I will just take it slow and do some blogging. I now am officially behind in every class, that can’t be good but I am hoping that I can use this week to catch up, all I’d need would be some time management and although I lack it, I plan to make every effort because I cannot afford a C or below. So, what else is getting added to this new batch of blog posts this week? Maybe a couple bios for my characters, if I’m feeling up to it an article for a newspaper since I want to start practicing in that. Of course I’m still pissed at dad, I always will be. How can I not be when he does not appreciate me for anything I do? Ugh! But for now, I am going to go and be on my sites and other places as well. Thanks for reading, bye now.

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