Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3rd: Carrie


The online time stamp says it's only been two days but has it really? it feels longer. In my whole time of being on youtube I never thought I'd find someone like her. She's a very unique and special in her own right and she's got a lot of talents. But most of all, she seems to understand me like no one else ever could. I have no idea why I am feeling like I've known her for an age or I feel connected to her this strongly. She seems to see what other people cannot see and she knows the good in me when other cannot see that. She is very fun to be around and I feel comfortable around her it's a comfort that apparently not even my house can provide.

It's funny because most of my good friends I tend to meet online and some of the best things in the world are not seen. Well, this is the same case, I met her on Youtube and while we were roleplaying I seemed to just connect with her if anyone knows that feeling, connecting with someone you've just met. It helps that we both like the same kinds of stuff like General Hospital and Harry Potter apparently that's where we found our common grounds and as we kept on roleplaying and plotting storylines I find myself telling her a lot more about myself than I've told most people. She knows a lot more than my parents know me and that's within the last week, see what I mean, well, I just had to get this out. I hope she stays with me for the rest of my life as she is a very wonderful person and brilliant.

Thank you Carrie for being my friend on and offline.

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