Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9th: Dear Diary

Well, I hate liquid asprin. Yes, if you are guessing that I had to take it again after my coughing fest last night you are right. I still am sick and can’t believe it’s going on this long .I knew it would be nasty but it’s not w been a week officially since I’ve been sick. I want it to be all over. Well, on the upside, I am getting lots of rest and I do love the fact that I have no college. I am looking forward to the end of the semester though, three months vacation to do whatever the heck I wished. By the way, if you all were expecting something more interesting that’s my fault. I wanted to post something else, another fanfic maybe but right now I’m not in the mood to do too much of anything which is why this is just a journal entry. I might post something worth reading tomorrow. I am just posting because I need to get all my thoughts out in words. Speaking of thoughts in words….If I have to run one more errand for my family without getting thanks in return I’ll scream. It’s like these people either forgot the words thank you or don’t give a crap. Especially I’m helping even though I’m sick for the last three days, I’ve been calling insurance companies for mom, school for my cousins and cellphone companies for dad and not to mention complaining to apartment offices for both my family and my cousin’s is it so hard to say two simple words, thank you? What am I the maid, even maids get treated better honestly. I don’t mind doing the errands but I do want a simple thank you how rude. Anyway, gonna stop venting now since it’s not helping me. I’m gonna lay down again and talk to Carrie later, I’ll keep you posted everyone.

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