Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekend Once More

Okay so now I’m finally doing my third journal entry of the week, Most weeks, I would have gotten it done way before now but of course this week is more than I can take. I hate Saturday mornings it’s all the time for my father to bitch and moan that I’m on the computer. WTF does he care for because he’s about to go to work anyway? Ugh. God I need a new father. I know, I know you heard this all from me before my bitching and moaning about how my father sucks but I honestly don’t know how long I can take. Two good things came out of this week, I did my classes for the fall and I got caught up on my work at school. This weekend I shall relax and have fun and try and enjoy my days off from school while my father bitches and moans in the background. At least I get to talk to people today, thanks to it being Saturday and my phone not charging me for whatever minutes I use. In the meantime, I’m just gonna relax till the idiot leaves the villiage to go to work. Serious, there should be  a law against this level of stupidity.

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