Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So Tired

I am so tired right nwo I just want to go and fall asleep somewhere but I can't do that. I am checking out all the stuff I have to check out on the internet and I am just trying not to fall asleep. The bad news today is I have to go to math, I promised my professor I wouldn't skip anymore. But the good news is there's a new SVU. I can't wait to see Rose McGowan on SVU it'd be the best guest starr I've seen on there since Marcia Gay Harden and Christine Lahti. I just hope I can stay awake for it since it's on at 10pm. Still have that blasted short story to write but I have no energy for it right now so I'll deal with it this weekend or whatever. Gatta jet, gatta do other shit on here.

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