Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8th: Second Chance

Note: I don’t own Alex nor Sandra, this is just yes, another fan fiction. I also thought it was important for my roleplay that anyone who wants to can find out how this coming back to life thing all took place. Alexandra belongs to SVU and Dick Wolf, Sandra belongs to Charmed and Constance M Berg I believe, I’m just an avid fan of both, this also explains why Alex is the way she is at least how I play her enjoy. Post LOSS of SVU and post Oh My Goddess part 2 of Charmed.

“W-What the…” Former District Attorney Alexandra Cabot opened her eyes. She hadn’t known how long she’d been asleep or more likely, dead since no one got shot in neck and survived well, if that was the case how was she able to open her eyes and why was she not covered in dirt? The feeling of warmth surrounded her although she had no idea why. She then realized where she was laying, on a bridge. Not just any bridge, a red bridge.
Alexandra panicked there was only one red bridge she knew of unless they repainted the Hudson Bridge.  With that she jumped up. Now wind picked up and the ex D.A’s heart began to race. California, Why on earth was she in California and how had someone moved her body out of the grave in Manhattan to put her on top of a bridge on California it made no sense. Was someone trying to wake her up, to revive her or something but that made no sense either since the dead stayed dead.
“There’s no need to panic Alexandra you’re in safe hands”
Alex whirled around and now stood facing a woman. She looked about in her forties or more. Her hair was red or strawberry blond more like. In the sun, it was hard to see what her eye color was. “Who are you and how do you know my name?” Alex asked.
The woman smiled reassuringly and Alex would have been reassured had she not been states away from home.
“I am the elder Sandra, your belief is right when you think you are at the top of the Golden Gate Bridge”
Alex opened her mouth about to say something this was too much, this had to be a joke.
“I brought you back here to…ask you”
“Ask me what; haven’t you heard I’m dead?”
“Yes, I know that good and well and it was not your time to go yet which is why I’m asking”
“Not my time what are you God?”
Sandra shook her head. “You must calm down Alex it’s not helping you or me for you to get upset and agitated”
Alex lost her temper. “Trust me when I am agitated you will know about…ACHOO!”
This was when she felt it for the first time, her body literally burst into orbs, she disappeared from in front of Sandra and appeared again on the same spot. 
“What did you DO to me?” Alex demanded as if she were questioning a witness.
“You are a whitelighter, a guardian and if it’s your wish you may keep these powers….what you did, you just teleported, orbed is the better term yes these powers may be new to you but you will get used to them in time, if you wish you may go back to your life as a D.A and still be a guardian..”
“Hold up, be kind, rewind, guardians as an angels right? I don’t believe in it…and how am I supposed to go back to Manhattan I’m DEAD, I’ve been SHOT”
Sandra looked very calm, more calmer perhaps than she should have been and  Alex could not understand it and because she could not understand it, it scared her.
“You will learn as you go that being a whitelighter, a guardian is a great blessing but with the blessing of second life and powers does come responsibilities as you are a D.A I expect you not to misue the powers that have been entrusted to you”
“As my power as a D.A I’m about to prosecute you if you don’t start giving me some straight answers how did I burst into orbs, what are you and how on earth am I in San Francisco”
Sandra sighed and she disappeared in blue orbs and in a second, Alex felt herself being pulled almost. When she opened her eyes she realized she was in her office, the D.A’s office in Manhattan. This was better, somewhere familiar.
As whacky as this situation was somehow, Alex knew she wanted the responsibilities, the powers, whatever. She had wanted to make it out of that shootout alive and to have a second chance, she understood that no one got that chance or if they did she never knew of them. Now more at ease, she sat down in her old chair. The office apparently had been undisturbed since her death she still could see the picture of when she had been in law school in her graduation. Elizabeth stood behind her with a smile on her lips her blond hair a bit more blonder than she remembered it.
“I do take it that this environment is more soothing for you and for some reason I do believe you do want this power and responsibilities…”
Alex was snapped out of her trance by Sandra’s words and she asked.
“How are you going to explain my coming back to life to everyone else?”
“I won’t that’s your sto explain in your own time and until they know otherwise all they will know is that you have come back from being on vacation….not dying, your desk is undisturbed, you still have your job but now you must watch out for another different kind of evil than what you are used to”
“Demons, Warlocks, I heard it so much in fantasy stories its not even funny”
Sandra nodded. “these stories as much as mortals might want to believe them as fantasy are not but in actuality a very real thing, the balance of power must not be disturbed and you must look after your charges, you have a lot of work ahead of you…you may call on me if there is something you wish to discuss, you may also orb to where I am your powers will grow and manifest as time grows and you get more used to them….Alexandra do NOT neglect your duties” with that she disappeared.

“Sandra, wait what the….WAIT” But it was too late, she was gone, accompanied by orbs. Alex sighed and looked around at her office. She had so many questions but obviously she was not going to find an answer anytime soon. She sighed as she looked around her office once more.  
She checked herself in the mirror and realized she was still wearing the cloths that she had warn at the day of her shooting, would anyone know, would they put it together that she was not supposed to be here? She wasn’t sure but no sooner had she thought of that she heard knocking on the door.
“Alex, you came back and you forgot to say hi to me…I see how it is” It was her good friend and Judge Elizabeth Donnelly, she looked older, of course she was, she had aged since the last time Alex had seen her. She ran over and found herself throwing her arms around the older woman. “it’s so good to see you” she whispered wondering why on earth she was acting like this.
Elizabeth, a bit taken aback smiled and nodded. “Good to see you, you’ve got work to do….you need to be in a conference in ten minutes lets go I expect you to be prompt on time”
As her mentor left, Alex sighed. Yes, for some odd reason her life was back to normal but she couldn’t help feel that it was not normal oh well, whatever came her way she’d get through it but for now, she had to be in a conference, and with that the District Attorney of Manhattan County Courthouse left her office.

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