Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Short Story

Note: For those of you who read my in class story, the one I did for English 50, this is some of the stuff I left out and I thought while I won't put it in the story in itself, since I'm so dead for ideas and I have to do my blog entry for teh week, I will do it here. So, Enjoy. Note this is nothing solid this jsut was another idea that I've been messing with so yeah.

                After we parted ways, I got into my SUV. I drove through the streets until I turned right. My home, wasn’t too far from the courthouse nor Rose’s place either.  As I parked my car and walked into the front door. I wondered if there was something I should’ve caught on to. When I had mentioned dinner, she looked very uncomfortable. Did I force her into something she didn’t necessarily want? She would never let me know that although if that was my guess I would have caught onto it earlier. I set my bag down and looked up. I was alone in the house, my two sons off to only God knew where. So I decided to leave a note.
I  found a pen and paper and a magnet. They would know where to look if I left anything,

Going to Rose to have dinner, there’s left overs in the fridge, love you.

After that I put my bags down and got my car keys again and went outside. The night air was cool as I looked around. The sun was setting  but it wasn’t done. I went back into my SUV when I got the phone call.

“Hello…are you Leslie?”
“Who’s this?”  I heard something being thrown against something on the background, although I was getting on in ears I couldn’t help hearing it, it was too loud.
“My name is Ranee, I live next door to Rose…I found your business card laying not that far from the car”
I stopped my own car and parked it on the curb. I was back at the courthouse now.

“Yes, what’s going on is everything all right?” I asked the woman on the other end.

“Uh, I don’t know but I heard a lot of yelling and everything and I heard something break”

That took a minute to click in my head. All sorts of thougths were going through my mind at this point. I told the woman I would call the police and to stay where she was. After I got off the phone with her that’s what I did. I told them to bring one police officer in an unmarked police car and meet me near the house.
So about ten minutes later that’s where we were, a block away and we ran the rest of the way. As we got closer I  could hear screaming, Nicholas her husband, I remembered the name but hadn’t seen much of him. I ran faster if something was going on and Rose was in danger, I needed to stop it. 
As I approached the house, The screaming and the banging got louder. I turned the knob of the front door and realized it was open. The cop was behind me. I pushed my way in.
When I ran in I saw Rose being choked. Her husband had his hands around her throat and she was in pain. I could see that in her eyes but she was trying to smile at the whole thing. “She’s in here!” I called as I ran to her.
Nicholas stopped what he was doing probably in shock of seeing me with a cop in his home but I didn’t care. I caught Rose as he let her fall and she fell in my arms. In panic I checked her pulse, she was still alive I realized, just unconscious.  I took out my cell and called for medical attention and while the cop apprehended him I picked Rose up, gently and carefully laying her on the sofa. “you’re gonna be all right” I said as I tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

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